Course Description

Selling is hard. Or is it?

In this course, I will walk you through the foundational skills to ensure that you are set up to succeed. No more running around like a chicken with your head cut off or losing more money than you are earning.

You will learn:

1. essential time management and planning skills

2. how to set up appointments

3. how to close sales

4. how to get referrals and expand outside your warm market

5. how to retain your customers long-term through solid 2nd appointments

6. how to properly recruit, onboard and train your new team members

This is for brand new network marketers who don't want to learn the hard way, for network marketers that have been stuck for a long time, or for leaders that want to be able to help their teams be more successful by teaching them simple yet super effective approaches.

The program will go for 9 weeks, but you will have access to the recordings and the online course forever. :)

This bundle includes everything you need to start your group coaching program.

This provides lifetime access to Your Direct Sales Foundation- the online course to teach you how to achieve goals, set appointments, close, get referrals, retain customers, recruit, and develop your team.

Group coaching meetings will be held Thursday at 12:30pm (PT) starting 10.12.2017 for 9 weeks. 

This also includes the "guided tour," of group coaching. We will meet each week, live, for one hour. Meetings will go for 9 weeks. We will discuss and learn from each other based on the topics in Your Direct Sales Foundation. We will also build a community with challenges, accountability, and encouragement in a private FB group. You will have access to Tasha in the coaching sessions and in the FB group. All meetings will be recorded so if you can't attend at that time you will still learn a ton!

Not sure how this program is different from all the others you have invested in? Here is what some of the alum from the last group had to say...

"I am truly thankful for the kick in the pants I'm receiving not only from the DSF course, but especially from the group coaching sessions. I feel truly under the gun, so to speak, as every week whatever we've been focusing on happens to be what I have to put into practice immediately! Yikes! I haven't even been able to memorize my scripts fully yet because everyday there are more appointments--darn it! ;) (Big grin!) I guess we have to start somewhere and sometime. Thank you, Tasha Saran Smith, for coming into my life for such a time as this...."

"I went from feeling like a deer in headlights with my business to feeling extremely comfortable and confident. Yes, Tasha helps you with your sales script, but she also helps you change your viewpoint and attitude which made all the difference for me! I owe several sales to her and I'm only 2 months into my business!"

" I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your training services. I have really appreciate the way that you approach the sales process. It is clear, concrete and simple. You make it all about the customer and your approach has really changed the way I think about sales. I can't keep up with the list of people I need to contact. My calendar is booked out and I am getting new builders faster than I know what to do with them! Now I need a training on managing my time to make the most sales, haha. I really appreciated the group coaching too, I hope that you continue to do that with your program. Even though I didn't complete all the assignments, having the accountability was really helpful in keeping me motivated. Having the access to your brain was a huge plus as the way that you think about things is both revolutionary and simple and I am always astounded at how complicated I have made things in my mind and it was right there in front of me the whole time"

" I personally have liked the accountability and keeping track of the points. It helps keep a fire under my butt!! Most importantly I feel the content has been the missing piece to my business. Having the tools and skills laid out, explained and implemented make me feel like I am really working my business and not just doing this as a hobby! It does challenge me to make decisions regarding my business. I like the group discussions because others have raised questions that I never thought about and it is good to see the training videos come to life in the group"

For YOUR DIRECT SALES FOUNDATION: If you would like to request a refund after your initial 3 days has passed, we will refund your entire purchase within 30 days after your initial date of purchase IF you have completed at least 50% of the online module course content. If WITHIN 30 days, you are not satisfied for any reason, and have completed the 50% or more of your course content, at that time we will remove your course access and refund your amount in full at your request. Your Direct Sales Foundation courses are non-transferable.

Sales Coach

Michelle Peto

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Start Here!

    • Welcome! Here is what you can expect from this training!

    • How to Rock Your Course

    • Meet your coach!

    • Group Coaching Orientation: Date, Time, and Zoom Login

    • Master Checklist for Your Direct Sales Foundation

    • Introduce yourself!

    • Join the Facebook Group!

    • Take the Sales Skills Assessment

    • Week 0 - Orientation Group Coaching Call [RECORDING]

    • Week 0 - Orientation Group Coaching Call MP3 [RECORDING]

  • 2

    Week 1: Stop Feeling Crazy

    • Week 1 Assignment 1: Orientation Group Coaching Take-aways

    • Week 1 Workbook: Stop Feeling Crazy

    • W1 M1: Stop Feeling Crazy Intro

    • W1 M2: Definitions

    • W1 M3: Know Your Stats

    • W1 Download: Sales Tracker

    • W1 M4: I Know My Stats, Now What?

    • W1 M5: Use Your Planner

    • Get the Emerge 2018 Planner!

    • W1 M6: Setting Monthly Plans

    • W1 M7: Business Decisions

    • Week 1 assignment 2: Complete sales tracker

    • Week 1 Assignment 3: Make your monthly plan

    • Week 1 Assignment 4- Take-aways, questions, and wins!

    • Optional Steps: Set Up CRM Software and P & L Software

    • BONUS: Ummm.... Who Should I Schedule?

    • Week 1 Group Coaching Call [RECORDING]

    • Week 1 Group Coaching Call MP3 [RECORDING]

    • Week 1 MP3 Downloads

  • 3

    Week 2: Better Appointments

    • Week 2 Assignment 1: Week 1 Group Coaching and Take-aways

    • Week 2 Workbook: Better Appointments

    • Week 2 Appointment Setting Examples

    • W2 M1: Better Appointments Intro

    • W2 M2: Why People Don't Set Up Appointments

    • W2 M3: Keys to Improving Schedule Rates

    • W2 M4: Steps to Writing Your Approach

    • W2 M5: Calling Someone You Know

    • W2 M6: Transition to Scheduling an Appointment

    • W2 M7: Setting a Follow-Up

    • W2 M8: Tips to Increase Show Rate

    • Week 2 Assignment 2: Video of "Transition to Appointment" approach

    • Week 2 Assignment 3: Take-aways, questions, and wins!

    • BONUS LESSON: What about texting or Facebook messaging?

    • BONUS LESSON: What about leaving messages?

    • Week 2 Group Coaching Call [RECORDING]

    • Week 2 Group Coaching Call MP3 [RECORDING]

    • Week 2 MP3 Downloads

  • 4

    Week 3: Sales Conversations (Part 1)

    • Week 3 Assignment 1: Week 2 Group Coaching Take-aways

    • Week 3 Workbook: Sales Conversation (Part 1)

    • Weeks 3/4 Sales Presentation Examples

    • W3 M1: Sales Conversations (Part 1) Intro

    • W3 M2: Why They Don't Buy

    • W3 M3: Start It Off Right

    • W3 M4: Agenda

    • W3 M5: Learn About Their Goals

    • W3 M6: Your Company Story

    • Week 3 Assignment 2: Craft the Company Story

    • Week 3 Assignment 3: Take-aways, questions, and wins!

    • BONUS: Example Sales Conversation Video

    • BONUS: What about Big Classes/Parties?

    • doTERRA Bonus Package Upgrade

    • Week 3 Group Coaching Call [RECORDING]

    • Week 3 Group Coaching Call MP3 [RECORDING]

    • Week 3 MP3 Downloads

  • 5

    Week 4: Sales Conversations (Part 2)

    • Week 4 Assignment 1: Week 3 Group Coaching Take-aways

    • Week 4 Workbook: Sales Conversation (Part 2)

    • W4 M1: Sales Conversations (Part 2) Intro

    • W4 M2: Big Picture

    • W4 M3: Explaining Kits

    • W4 M4: First Appointment Special

    • W4 M5: Closing

    • W4 M6: Trouble-shooting

    • Week 4 Assignment 2: Your 1-on-1/class presentation

    • Week 4 Assignment 3: Practice your close

    • Week 4 Assignment 4: Take-aways, questions, and wins!

    • Week 4 Group Coaching Call [RECORDING]

    • Week 4 Group Coaching Call MP3 [RECORDING]

    • Week 4 MP3 Downloads

  • 6

    Week 5: Too Many Customers to Call

    • Week 5 Assignment 1: Week 4 Group Coaching and Take-aways

    • Week 5 Workbook: Too Many Customers to Call

    • Week 5 Too Many Customers to Call Examples

    • W5 M1: Too Many Customers To Call Intro

    • W5 M2: Run for the Hills!

    • W5 M3: Some Decisions to Make First

    • W5 M4: Asking for Referrals

    • W5 M5: Calling a Referral

    • W5 M6: Booking an Event

    • W5 Download: Referral FAQ

    • Week 5 Assignment 2: Ask for referrals

    • Week 5 Assignment 3: Take-aways, questions, and wins!

    • Week 5 Group Coaching Call [RECORDING]

    • Week 5 Group Coaching Call MP3 [RECORDING]

    • Week 5 MP3 Downloads

  • 7

    Week 6: Customer Retention

    • Week 6 Assignment 1: Week 5 Group Coaching and Take-aways

    • Week 6 Workbook: Customer Retention

    • Week 6 Wishlist Appointment Example

    • W6 M1: Customer Retention Intro

    • W6 M2: Wish-list Appointment (Part 1)

    • W6 M3: Wish-list Appointment (Part 2)

    • W6 M4: Customer Connection

    • W6 M5: Promotions/Additional Products

    • Week 6 Assignment 2: Explain how I can get free stuff!!

    • Week 6 Assignment 3: Take-aways, questions, and wins!

    • BONUS: Live Example Follow Up Appointment

    • Week 6 Group Coaching Call [RECORDING]

    • Week 6 Group Coaching Call MP3 [RECORDING]

    • Week 6 MP3 Downloads

  • 8

    Week 7: Recruiting

    • Week 7 Assignment 1: Week 6 Group Coaching and Take-aways

    • Week 7 Workbook: Recruiting

    • W7 M1: Recruiting Intro

    • W7 M2: 4 Types of Decision Makers

    • W7 M3: Why is This So Hard?

    • W7 M4: Core Service Principles

    • W7 M5: In the Sales Appointment

    • W7 M6: Customer Service Opportunities

    • W7 M7: OMG They Want to Learn More

    • Week 7 Assignment 2: Create your OMG outline in detail

    • Week 7 Assignment 3: Take-aways, questions, and wins!

    • Week 7 Group Coaching Call [RECORDING]

    • Week 7 Group Coaching Call MP3 [RECORDING]

    • Week 7 MP3 Downloads

  • 9

    Week 8: Developing Your Team

    • Week 8 Assignment 1: Week 7 Group Coaching and Take-aways

    • Week 8 Workbook: Leading and Developing Your Team

    • W8 M1: Developing Your Team Intro

    • W8 M2: Sales Rep Lifecycle

    • W8 M3: Your Job as a Leader

    • W8 M4: The First Chat

    • W8 M5: Initial Training

    • W8 M6: Advanced Training

    • W8 M7: Skills Transfer Process

    • Sales Skills Assessment

    • Week 8 Assignment 2: Goals Conversation or Skills Transfer

    • Week 8 Assignment 3: Take-aways, questions, and wins!

    • BONUS: How Does Fear Impact Our Ability to Lead?

    • BONUS LESSON: Leadership Skills Assessment

    • BONUS LESSON: Why is duplication so hard?

    • Week 8 Group Coaching Call [RECORDING]

    • Week 8 MP3 Downloads

  • 10


    • Sales Skills Assessment (End of Program)

    • Let's Celebrate!!

    • What's next?

    • Results Survey

  • 4 x $199.00

    4 x $199.0010.12 YDSF & 12.20 YLF Payment Plan

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  • $797.00

    $797.0010.12 YDSF & 12.20 YLF

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Pricing options

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